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Frequently Asked Questions

What types of underwater services does Blustreak offer?

PT. Blustreak Marindo Nusantara specializes in commercial underwater works, specifically the use of ROVs to clean the hulls of ocean-going vessels.

How often should I clean the hull of my vessel?

It is recommended to clean the hull of your vessel every 6 months to maintain its efficiency.

How does cleaning the hull of my vessel help with its efficiency?

Fouling, the accumulation of marine organisms and debris on the hull of a vessel, can increase drag and reduce fuel efficiency. By cleaning the hull, the vessel can maintain its designed speed and reduce fuel consumption.

Are there any environmental risks associated with underwater cleaning?

Yes, there are potential environmental risks associated with underwater cleaning. However, Blustreak's services are conducted in accordance with environmental regulations and best practices to minimize any negative impact on the environment.

What safety measures are in place during the cleaning process?

Blustreak follows strict safety protocols during the cleaning process, including the use of appropriate safety equipment, trained personnel, and compliance with safety regulations.

How long does the cleaning process take?

The length of the cleaning process depends on the size and condition of the vessel, as well as the scope of work. Blustreak can provide an estimated timeframe based on the client's specific needs.

What areas do Blustreak services cover?

Blustreak offers its services in Indonesia. We will update if we are opening our services in other areas. 

How do I request a quote for PT. Blustreak Marindo Nusantara's services?

Clients can request a quote by filling out the quote request form on the company's website or by contacting the company directly via phone or email.

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